
I only feature products I like on this site, products I often use myself, and which I would recommend to personal friends with the same honesty I do to my readers. However, I hope you understand that my endorsement does not necessarily equate to some guarantee that you'll be satisfied with each and every product you'll find here.

Some of the features might not work as well as you would have imagined, you may not find your recent purchase as charming in real life as you did when seeing it on my site, or you may just chance upon a factory flawed item. No manufacturer can boast 100% reliable quality control.

I take great care to convey an accurate image of products I endorse through this site, but some things can and will get “lost in translation”. After all, I’m not an infallible communicator and product tester, only a wife and mother who likes nice things and the brighter side of life. I hope my own tastes match those of my readers and that you'll find items featured here as much to your liking as I did.

I do participate in some affiliate programs through my site, which means I get a small commission for some of the products you may purchase here. However, this does not mean I wouldn't endorse these items regardless, as I already do with many others.

Most articles and any opinions/advice hosted here are either my own, or material I have reviewed and found suitable to publish under my terms and conditions.

I try my best to use personal experience in the service of my readers, and I often back up claims with links to authoritative sources. However, any information you find on this site should not be regarded as authoritative under any circumstance. It's your own responsibility to make use of it as you see fit!

At times, I host third party articles with affiliate links. I only accept material that can provide some benefit to the reader, whether useful information or entertainment.